The SFAC2006 Conference
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National Science Foundation
University of South Florida
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Bolivia
University of California, Santa Barbara
Boston University
University of South Australia
Université de Montréal

Fyl Pincus obtained his Physics Ph.D. at UC Berkeley in 1961 and after an NSF post-doctoral fellowship at Saclay spent approximately 20 years in the Physics Department at UCLA. He then joined the Exxon Research and Engineering Laboratory in Annandale, NJ for 3 years before coming to UCSB in 1985 as Professor of Chemical Engineering. He now holds joint appointments in the Physics and Materials Departments. Professor Pincus is a condensed matter theorist who has worked in such diverse areas as magnetism, superconductivity, liquid crystals, and correlated electrons in organic conductors. His present activities are in soft condensed matter, particularly on problems motivated by biomolecular issues such as membrane-bound proteins and Coulomb effects in biomolecular assemblies. Honors include Joliot Curie Professor (ESPCI, 1981), John Simon Guggenheim Fellow (Orsay, 1975), Raymond & Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecturer in Physics (Tel Aviv, 1988), High Polymer Physics sPrize of the APS (Ford Prize, 1992), Chaire- Paris Sciences (ESPCI, 1999).


Tonya Kuhl

Norma Alcantar

Deborah Leckband

Roger Horn

Suzanne Giasson
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